Victoria Beugg

Sit-Up Challenge

I'm taking part in the Sit Up Challenge - and I need your support!

This March, I’ll be putting my core to the test in the Sit-Up Challenge to raise funds for the Endeavour Foundation.

Every dollar I raise and every sit-up I complete will help create greater opportunities for people with disability.

This challenge isn’t just about getting in shape — it’s about making a real difference. Your support will help fund vital services and technology, enabling people with disability to live their best lives. It will also power essential social and employment programs that help people work, learn, and thrive.

Please chip in to keep our fundraising growing strong!

Thank you so much for your support. You’re amazing.

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Raised $50

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Raised $150

Raised $275

Raised $500

Raised $750

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Sit up challenge for disability

Monday 27th Jan
Please donate/sponsor me ....I'm gonna try doing core exercises to raise awareness and opportunity for disabled people.
It will be the very first time I've done any real core exercises since my snowboarding accident and lumber back injury. So good all round. Please support people with disabilities.  Leading to courses and programs and opportunities for them. Thankyou